
New Research Revealed "TV x Web x DOOH Advertising Effectiveness" Study reveals targeted DOOH has an effect on awareness and purchase intention.

The results have been revealed of a recent research study aimed at visualizing advertising effectiveness across multiple channels; TV, Web & Digital Out of Home (DOOH), conducted by Video Research Ltd., ("Video Research"), LIVE BOARD, INC., ("LIVE BOARD"), NTT DOCOMO, INC., ("DOCOMO"), DENTSU INC., ("Dentsu"), and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners Inc., ("Hakuhodo DY Media Partners").

Proof of Concept (PoC) 1;" Characteristics of DOOH target group."

In PoC 1, we conducted a validation of the characteristics of the DOOH target group using location data comprising fused TV audience logs with profiles. The purpose was to understand TV and Web consumption among the DOOH target group. The results revealed below suggest that DOOH could be an effective means of reaching consumers who are relatively difficult to reach on TV and Web.

* DOOH Target Group: Location data(loation data that include advertising ID without personal data), provided by LIVE BOARD to show target groups that were in close proximity to 20 LIVE BOARD screens. ADID and location data without personal data.

* TV audience logs with profiles are provided by Video Research. * Classified as High 20%, Middle 50% and Low 30% in descending order of the amount of time the target group spent consuming media from each channel: TV and Web.

Chart 1;"TV and Web consumption status among DOOH target group"


Within the DOOH target group, the most common age group by gender was 'female 20-34', and by occupation 'salary clerk/researcher'. In terms of 'hobbies', the most popular activities were 'social networking', 'shopping' and 'mobile gaming'. In this way, linking profile information to location information enables more multifaceted targeting than using just basic attributes.

Chart 2; "Characteristics of "audiences" exposed to multiple DOOH ads and two or more campaigns in June 2023."


The results of the survey also showed that DOOH was an effective channel for engaging with middle funnel audiences, such as employed people and women aged 35-49, who are expected to go out more often.

Chart 3; "Results for "digital (video) OOH ads" on the walls and rooftops of trains, stations, and buildings."

Significance level 95%, results of significance tests for all individuals aged 15-64, male and female


Proof of Concept (PoC) 2; "TV × Web × DOOH" measurement scheme and verification of DOOH effectiveness"
In PoC 2, we conducted a study on triple-media advertising effectiveness, including DOOH, using two advertising campaigns. Two patterns were used to screen survey targets: one was determined using a survey of 'people who appeared near the DOOH screens during the campaign period', and the other was determined using media contact logs, TV audience logs, Web ad contact logs and location data.

Chart 4; "PoC2 Survey outline"


Firstly, when ad awareness of 'Food and Beverages' was checked, 68% were shown to be aware of this campaign as a whole, while 17% of respondents were aware of the campaign in total. Approximately 3% were aware of the advertising campaign through DOOH only, confirming the complementary effect DOOH has on upper funnel audiences.

Chart 5; "Advertisement awareness by media"


When we compare the middle funnel effect between those who were aware of "two media, TV commercials and web ads" and those who were aware of "three media, TV commercials, web ads and DOOH", the effect from the latter study was significantly higher

Chart 6; "Middle funnel effect by media mix patterns"


Significance level 95%, results of significance tests for all individuals aged 20-69, male and female

Furthermore, the results of the Asking survey for Toiletries and Body Care, which used location-based contact data, also showed that purchase intent was higher when the DOOH target group was included, confirming the effectiveness of DOOH.

Chart 7; "Purchase intent effect including DOOH ads awareness, by location data."


Firstly, we confirmed that DOOH is a media channel that enables targeting using rich profiles of consumer values, interests, and preferences, and improves planning accuracy. Secondly, DOOH also clearly showed a 'top funnel effect' to support TV and web reach and a 'middle funnel effect' to promote interest in the product/advertisement, understanding of the content and purchase/use.

Going forward, we want to continue to build a sustainable and effective measurement system to demonstrate measurable indicators of DOOH's effectiveness.

◆LIVE BOARD inventories across the nation

Currently LIVE BOARD has over 64,200 screens and continues to expand the network with not only its owned and operated, but also aggregating screens from partners across the nation.



A digital OOH ad network operator achieving data driven targeting and effectiveness verification

LIVE BOARD is the first company in Japan to achieve impression-based (VAC) advertisement delivery in OOH. We deploy advertisement delivery and billing systems in accordance with actual conditions that are based on the estimated number of viewers "at that time, in that place, and for that specific ad," even during the COVID-19 pandemic, when people's movement patterns are prone to change. In addition, by combining big data from Japan's largest carriers with our own network, which includes a wide range of digital OOH across Japan, including outdoor, indoor, train, and station OOH ads, we have been able to deliver personalized ads, such as targeting by gender and age, that was not possible with traditional OOH.



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