LIVE BOARD is the only service provider in Japan that provides impression(Visibility Adjusted Contact: VAC)-based digital OOH advertisements. Innovative, measurable, effective.
LIVE BOARD allows advertisers to measure how many people saw their ads and whether or not they were effective.
It's the new 3A Standard of OOH: Accountability, Addressability, and Attribution.
The viewable area (where viewing is possible) for each installed screen is defined. Using DOCOMO's mobile data, we estimate the number of people in a screen's viewable area. A survey of people who might have viewed an ad is then conducted to calculate a View Ratio: the actual ad views vs. the number of ad viewers (impressions (VAC)).
LIVE BOARD is your one-stop-shop for purchasing digital OOH for different targets and environments. We use programmatic advertisement purchasing to allow you to buy ad inventory at optimal locations and time slots in single units of ad distribution.
We use DOCOMO data to identify potential viewers of an ad, based on the date and time of delivery. We survey possible viewers to measure brand recognition, interest, and intent to use.
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In addition to conventional OOH effects, LIVE BOARD is an OOH media that
increases Global Perception Bias and Recency Effects with improved accuracy
and thus is more effective in helping clients meet challenges.
LBMP ... LIVE BOARD Marketplace
LIVEBOARD OOH helps create Global Perception Bias. The repeated delivery of ads on large screens creates the impression (VAC) that a product is popular. That perception boosts campaign effectiveness. LIVE BOARD's effect on Global Perception Bias is higher than other media. It's particularly effective in acquiring new customers. Global Perception Bias is further increased when used in conjunction with a TV ad campaign.
Relevant OOH campaigns delivered on large screens near the point of purchase can influence the purchasing activity of consumers. LIVE BOARD scores higher than other media on Recency Effect, offering the most effective opportunity to drive foot traffic.
LBMP ... LIVE BOARD Marketplace
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LIVE BOARD measures ad effectiveness using proprietary effectiveness measurements based on DOCOMO location information.
Using location data from DOCOMO's mobile phone base stations, in-person surveys are conducted among smartphone users who were in the Visible Area during the specified date and time.
Surveys use Koko-Research, a service provided by DOCOMO Insight Marketing Co., Ltd. Koko-Research implements surveys based on location information from mobile phone base stations among users who have given prior permission for such use. We cross-reference location with survey results while using only methods that ensure anonymity.
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Cutting edge advertisement analysis that measures the effectiveness of TV, web, and LIVE BOARD marketplace - from ad impression (VAC) to purchase. Each ad unit is given an ID that integrates DOCOMO location and subscriber data with information sources such as Dentsu Group TV and digital media contact data and cross-referenced with LIVE BOARD Marketplace distribution logs.
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