Where screens attract "Business people"? Top 30 LIVE BOARD Outdoor screens ranking in Japan
Ueno TSD Building, Tokyo ,Japan
LIVE BOARD,INC. has announced a new solution to rank the top 30 LIVE BOARD screens in Japan utilizing NTT DOCOMO's "docomo Sense™(Audience Intelligence Engine)※1"and "docomo data square®*2 " and other tools to conduct the analysis. Many companies used to implement "remote response" at home as a countermeasure against the COVID-19 pandemic. There is currently a near complete recovery of the flow of people in the city of Tokyo since the COVID-19 pandemic and many advertisers are looking for ways to engage business audiences again. In response, LIVE BOARD has ranked the screens where business people are seen to be in closest proximity from approximately 110 outdoor screens covered by the LIVE BOARD network nationwide.
※1 Formerly known as the Audience Intelligence Engine. Audience Intelligence Engine is the technology that constitutes the NTT Group's corevo® AI. Corevo® is a registered trademark of NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION.
※2 docomo data square is a registered trademark of NTT DOCOMO, INC.
◆Outdoor screens ranking - Top 30 screens for reaching "business people"
The top 30 outdoor screens where "business people" gather are: No.1 TSD Building, Ueno, Tokyo; No.2 Himawari Vision, Nihonbashi, Tokyo; and No.3 Urban Mates Building, Tsukiji, Tokyo.
The results of the analysis of about 110 outdoor screens across the country showed that the Ueno TSD Building (Tokyo), Nihonbashi Himawari Vision (Tokyo), and Tsukiji Urban Mates Building (Tokyo) ranked first, second, and third, respectively, in terms of attracting businesspeople. In central Tokyo, it seems that business people tend to gather in the northern part of Tokyo (Chuo and Taito wards, etc.) from Tokyo Station. In other cities, Osaka and Fukuoka Prefecture were ranked among the most popular business districts, and in Chiba Prefecture, Makuhari, where there are exhibition halls, tended to attract many business people.
<Survey overview>
Target Area: Nationwide
Target respondents: The following, (1), (2)
(1) Respondents who answered "Company Employee/Company Executive/Manager/Public Official/Organization Employee" in the survey in the last one month.
(2) Those who have downloaded at least one of the 42 business tool applications such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, Kintone, etc.
Conditions: Respondents who answered "company employee/ company director/manager/public official/organization employee" in the survey, and those who downloaded one of the designated target apps.
Target: LIVE BOARD outdoor screens at approximately 110 locations nationwide
(Survey conducted by docomo data square®)
Data coverage period: July 2023
※Provided by NTT DOCOMO
Referenced Press Releases:
・Jul 6th 2023 Announcing the TOP 30 LIVE BOARD outdoor screens in Japan for attracting "Home Appliance Lovers"
・April 13th 2023 No mask! Let's get in touch with nature to breathe fresh air to the fullest. Which vision attracts "outdoor lovers"?
・March 14th, 2023 Let's prepare for changing health conditions due to the spring season! Where are the screens where people with a high "drugstore visit rate" congregate?
・February 21st, 2023 Cherry blossom viewing party season is upon us! Where are the "Happy Drinkers"?
・October 27th, 2022 "Where Are the Frequent Visitors of Department Stores? LIVE BOARD Announces TOP 30 LIVE BOARD Outdoor Screens"
・September 13th, 2022 "Where Are the Fashion and Cosmetics Enthusiasts? LIVE BOARD Announces TOP 30 LIVE BOARD Outdoor Screens"
・August 25th, 2022 "Where Are the Gamers? LIVE BOARD Announces TOP 30 LIVE BOARD Outdoor Screens"
・July 21st, 2022 "Where Are the Football Fans? LIVE BOARD Announces TOP 30 LIVE BOARD Outdoor Screens"
・January 28th, 2022 "Where Are the Travel Enthusiasts? LIVE BOARD Announces TOP 30 LIVE BOARD Outdoor Screens"
・May 26th, 2022 "LIVE BOARD Launches "Screen Ranking List" Using Data From "Audience Intelligence Engine" That Analyzes Visitors to LIVE BOARD Outdoor Screen"
◆LIVE BOARD screens across the country
LIVE BOARD currently has more than 26,400 screens, and is continuing to expand its network every day, not only by installing their own new screens, but also by aggregating screens from partners across the country.
URL: liveboard.co.jp/en/screen
A digital OOH ad network operator achieving data driven targeting and effectiveness verification
LIVE BOARD is the first company in Japan to achieve impression-based advertisement delivery in OOH. We deploy advertisement delivery and billing systems in accordance with actual conditions that are based on the estimated number of viewers "at that time, in that place, and for that specific ad," even during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the patterns of movement of people are prone to change. In addition, by combining big data from Japan's largest carriers with our proprietary network that comprises a wide range of digital OOH throughout Japan, including outdoor, indoor, train, and station OOH ads, we have enabled the delivery of personalized ads such as targeting by gender and age, which was not feasible with conventional OOH.